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After reading this article, can you still make beautiful seams by yourself?-Beautiful Seam Factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

Many owners always traditionally think that buying materials and finding construction is the most cost-effective and cheapest way, but they often overlook the following key issues: High waste rate of decoration materials. High waste rate of materials. Owners are worried about different batches and color differences of different brands, and they will buy one or two more when buying Meisewing materials by themselves. However, the Meisewing construction team only charges the construction fee (materials are not included), so it will not save the use. The total amount of wasted material is generally as high as about %. , Time-consuming and high cost. Buying materials by yourself is a layman. It takes time and effort to run around, send, make up, and return, and often buy shoddy materials with high-quality materials. , There is no formal color matching, and the rework rate is high. The owner determines the color to buy the beautiful sewing material. Generally, it will not go through the formal color matching process of the construction team. Therefore, the final construction effect is often resigned to the fate. If the effect is not good, rework is required, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. , Quality is not guaranteed, and increase the debt of favor. If you find relatives and friends for construction, you usually have to wait with good cigarettes and wine. If the quality is not good, you will not only be embarrassed to say that you will also pay a debt of favor. You found out because there was a small problem, and you told him, he would say 100% in his heart, 'Why does this person have so many things? It's really enough to spend such a small amount of money and have such high demands! Yes! If money wants good quality, go to a regular company! 'As a result, many people suffered dumb losses. Also, if you want to build by yourself, you need to think about the following questions: Do you have enough time? Most young people who buy a house are busy now, and they may not even have time for their honeymoon after marriage, let alone When the house was renovated, I personally went to the construction, so choosing to make beautiful seams by myself depends on whether I have this time. Considering the economic conditions, there are so-called specializations in the art industry, so please ask professional beauty stitchers to do the work. Needless to say, the effect is definitely better than not being a professional. If the home’s economic conditions are not too bad, you can choose professional construction personnel to carry out beautiful seam construction. After all, hundreds of thousands or even millions of houses have been bought. Why should this small detail affect the overall home style and environment? However, if the family’s economic conditions are really bad and you have invested everything in order to buy a house, you can also choose to construct by yourself, because the construction technology of the beauty joint agent is not very strong, (but there are certain requirements for proficiency), the first construction The personnel can also do it, but the effect is not as good as a professional construction team. This is undoubted. It is best not to try it lightly. If it fails, the time and money will be doubled. .Is it possible to bear the physical fatigue? I have contacted many owners who do their own construction. After Meisew is finished, there will be many complaints most: I am too tired. My hands are still stained with Meisew, so I can’t wash it off. If you know, ask the construction team to do the work. In fact, this situation is caused by the owner's lack of proficiency in the beauty joint construction and the construction does require a lot of effort. If you feel that you are not very able to accept this kind of hard work, the editor only has One suggestion: Hurry up and ask a professional construction team to do it. In fact, these are second to none. What I am most worried about is that what I have built by myself is really too ugly, which really affects my mood. Many owners have sent their fiasco cases to the editor, which shocked the editor...... This rework can take a lot of effort! Look at it, and after reading it, decide if you want to do it yourself... Failed beautiful seam construction:
Construction Beauty Seam
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