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[Beautiful seam tips] Precautions and techniques for pressing seam-Beauty Seam Factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

In addition to gluing during the beautiful seam construction, pressure seam is also very important. If you master the pressure seam technique, you can make the brick seams very beautiful. The beauty seam agent factory teaches you how to sew correctly. The handle of the steel ball is at a degree angle to the surface of the tile, and the steel ball is pulled at a uniform speed to the rear. When the steel ball is about to start, the angle of the handle is increased and the lifting is accelerated, reducing the degree of concavity of the joint at the start of the steel ball. .According to the width of the gap, select the appropriate steel ball to press the gap. Generally speaking, in the process of pressing the joints, under the premise that the tile gap can jam the steel ball so that it does not swing from side to side, use a large steel ball to press. The larger the steel ball, the smaller the arc, the smoother the effect. .At the inner corner of the skirting line, it is recommended to use a small steel ball to press, the effect of this can match the gap of the tile. The speed should be uniform when pressing the seam, the more uniform the speed, the higher the smoothness. When the steel balls are covered with dragon porcelain, they should be cleaned up with waste rags or newspapers in time and continue to press. .The strength should be moderate to ensure that the material inside the gap is fully separated from the material on both sides of the gap to facilitate the cleaning of the remaining material in the later period. Check in time to prevent pressure leakage and imperfections, repair them as soon as possible, and use scrapers to handle the junctions between the internal corners and the ground. .Each time pressing, the steel ball must be wiped clean to continue to the next one. The pressing seam should be within ten minutes after the material is pressed, otherwise the hardening of the material will make the pressing seam difficult. .Ice cream sticks can also be sewn, and the effect is pretty good.
Matters needing attention Beauty sewing skills Press sewing
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