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Beauty seam half filled, helpless to do beauty

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
People in the new home decoration, choose to do the seam, the main purpose is to make the entire decoration atmosphere, beautiful, and the function of waterproof, mouldproof, etc. The construction joints, of course, also have certain procedures and techniques, to achieve a certain effect, also should choose to have certain brand of authority the seam an agent, this part also can produce cost. Hence, someone was thinking, if there can reach the desired effect, and can save money? So, some beautiful seam builders to cater to this part of the owner's demand, return true have developed a set of beautiful seam construction scheme, called - — Half filled. What is 'half filled'? Is after the ceramic tile shop, porcelain feng, with ordinary jointing agent first and then, using the seam an agent to do it again. Such practices, saves material, and save the human, is a 'perfect'. However, small make up remind of a problem; A wooden cross layer of gold, gold bars can be said? By the same token, the beauty of the 'half filled seam, and when completed, is really good, but time is long, the seam an agent on the surface of the loss, jointing agent, will affect the whole beautiful with decorative effect. Especially the kitchen and toilet, do the seam role is one of the more important is waterproof. If you use 'half fill' beauty seam, once the seam an agent on the surface of the collapse or fall off, the jointing agent under the completely able to withstand the sewage soak for a long time, over time, will make porcelain front. Even mould of ceramic tile surface. In the end, you still DE find people to clean up the porcelain jointing agent in front. So, decorate choose do 'half fill' beauty seam, really better not to do the seam.
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