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Collect seam pressure common to these questions I had met!

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
As the seam, seam pressure is common, so, these problems have you had? And how to deal with instead? Pressure of ceramic tile aperture has bubbles how to return a responsibility? How to deal with? Cracks have bubbles roughly divided into two cases: 1, the ceramic tile is at the bottom of the damp, when cover material ceramic tile aperture, aperture at the bottom of the water vapor evaporation, will play the material thin place jacking bubbles; 2, at the bottom of the aperture is empty, too thin material, especially in the summer, China and the United States seam an agent true porcelain factory two ingredients reaction itself will produce a certain quantity of heat, heat expansion of the air inside of ceramic tile aperture will play the material thin place jacking bubbles formed. Appear this kind of circumstance should be cut with a wallpaper knife bubbles, gasketing material, using steel ball pressing. Measures to avoid air bubbles, the depth of the play is to ensure that more than 2 mm. After pressure has a dark side? Cracks appear black side mostly gap cleaning not thoroughly. Will crack in the true porcelain all cleared, will crack to clean up, is expected to flatten. Black side available acidic cleaner to wipe back and forth, if the black material for cement gap filling agent, can China and the United States seam an agent factory dedicated crack-cleaning shovel knife carefully clean up best finished material how long pressure? Finished material pressure time had better not more than 15 minutes, time is too long material hardening seam pressure up legs, and impact pressure after crack surface gloss. The best two people with a dozen of material, a pressure seam. Above is today bring you share, the tips you get here? All rights reserved the WWW. zhuogao。 . net is prohibited reproduced copy and paste, offenders
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