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Do the seam, want to retain customers, then you can do this!

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
Going home do every beauty of the customer, before to choose a beautiful seam brand will consider the following questions: why do I believe you? Why did you choose the seam do you do? This money is it worth it? And the seam to retain customers, how to do? Understand customer demand for the seam an agent to sell the seam an agent or the seam construction, first to understand the needs of customers, customer demand is the starting point of distribution. And consumers in addition to care about the sewing quality of the products, also concerned about the seam an agent price and after use feeling, with safe and happy for the purpose, focus is the seam an agent price and the seam an agent experience. If as the seam an agent agents, dealers and construction group can clearly understand this, then you have achieved half of sales. In the face of different groups, to have different sales skills. Believe that their own beautiful sewing products as the saying goes: & other; Do as you would be done by & throughout; , the meaning of this sentence is to say things they don't want to, do not impose others. Confucius puts it refers to a person shall use for reference to treat others with regard to its behavior. If you don't accept your product, don't believe in their products, also forced on to others, to simply put the products are sold, for the purpose of this will not only affect your relationship with the customer, and reduces your trust in customers' mind. Focus on what customers want products in the customers and the beauty of their joint product process, we only pay attention to the beauty of the seam division often try very hard to introduce the benefits of seam an agent, but ignored the needs of the customer itself, so that targeted is poorer, it is difficult to satisfy the customer had in mind, and therefore the success rate is very small. Only to focus on the types of products, customers need to get customer's approval. Understand customer needs, meet customer demand to promote clinch a deal. Completes the pre-sale post-sale service some sewing teacher not sincerely treat customers, think you, I just need to sell products to do after the perfect construction joints, we have no relationship, just for sales and to sales, so most of the customers will refuse to be sales, sold the if it is hard to have repeat business, if we want to sell more beautiful sewing products can only treat customers sincerely, sincerely care about customers, sincerely for the customer to solve the problem, even if the construction is completed, if the customer encountered difficulty also want serious help customer analysis to solve the problem. In short, to do things to want to pay attention to methods, as long as the way to find, and stick to it, is bound to be successful. As sewing teacher, is a professional needs care and patience, want to sew industry in an impregnable position in the United States, will want to think of the client, really take customer as his friend to treat!
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