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Epoxy grouting and construction method of epoxy resin grouting material

by:Kastar     2020-12-07
Epoxy grouting and epoxy resin grouting construction method of epoxy grouting material civilization construction company must have the strategic structure and design plan, and the system of professional practice and in the subsequent import. Epoxy grouting material skills practice is epoxy grouting material company is the first steps in the process of civilization, the purpose is not only to let civilization construction smooth advance, it is primary through external practice constitute the establishment of the company internal stable cross mechanism of civilization. Through practice skills, will increase your understanding of the company culture, also recognize that companies' primary cement and epoxy grouting material civilization construction. Below is the construction method of epoxy grouting material: 1 epoxy grouting material during the grouting, the average daily uniform temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, after the grouting to reveal some spraying should be timely to protect beauty seam an agent or plastic film cover, add the hubei wuhan epoxy grouting material and wet straw bag stick to wet. Choose plastic film cover, the exposed surface of the cement grouting material should cover tightly, adhere to the plastic film with water. Epoxy grouting material on the surface of water is not convenient, can be sprayed protection seam an agent. 2 epoxy grouting material should insist on grouting material in a wet condition, protect time shall not be less than 7 d. 3 was elected with a fast setting type rapid hardening cement grouting material, the protection method should be in accordance with the requirements of goods. 4 epoxy grouting material construction, engineering, no special requirements to add strength, after the grouting to reveal some to cover plastic epoxy grouting material timely CGM series thin film material and the heat preservation material. Began to protect the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. In a negative temperature protection without watering. 5 after dismantle epoxy grouting cement base material is greater than the difference between the surface temperature and environmental temperature 20 ℃, should choose insulation protection cover.
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