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Floor paint construction process to share

by:Kastar     2020-12-21
Floor paint construction process to share

a: floor paint construction process, to deal with the

(1) basic element to smooth or stone for the cement powder;
(2) the ground need to preserve one's health more than 28 days, the water should be below 8% before the construction element to any grievances or empty drum need to be removed;
3. Fill with mortar ground;
element (4) to the oil pollution should be thoroughly cleaned;
5. Before the construction needs to keep the construction element of dry and clean; Polished away
6 loose bed, delaminating and cement residue, hard, smooth, and increase the floor coating adhesion with the ground.

floor paint construction process flow 2: bottom coating

(1) the construction needs to keep clean if there are any sundry adhesive to be cleared before mixing main agent and curing agent in accordance with the right proportion, fully stirring;
(2) must be completed according to the condition of the ground to adjust the proper viscosity mixed materials must be completed within 4 hours and construction;
3. Bottom coating curing hardening time about 8 hours.
(4) the floor after closed primer with good water, brush, roller coating, coating, or make it fully wetting concrete, and seep into the concrete lining.

third floor paint construction process: the coating

(1) the construction of the need to keep clean if there are any sundry adhesive to be cleared before mixing main agent and curing agent in accordance with the right proportion, fully stirring;
(2) will be completed mixed resin to join a moderate amount of quartz sand; (3) using trowel materials evenly coated;
(4) mixed complete material construction within 30 minutes;
5) construction junction disposal of the transition;
6 coating curing hardening time about 8 hours.
7) will be in the coating materials mixed with just the right amount of quartz sand fully stir well, with a trowel trowel painted leveling &compaction layer of certain thickness.

floor paint construction process of four: group of soil

(1) in accordance with the correct proportion mixing main agent and curing agent, mixing fully;
(2) the use of knife material coated uniformly;
3. Mix complete construction materials need 30 minutes;
(4) of soil health hardening time about 8 hours or more;
5. Depending on the actual needs of construction demand level and no holes, no batch of knife is printed and sanding shall prevail.
6 using surface coating material with quartz powder coating, besmear fill in the gaps between the larger particles, after being cured, with a clean machine polishing surface, use a vacuum cleaner to suck the dust and sand.

floor paint construction process five: coating

(1) the construction needs to keep clean if there are any sundry adhesive to be cleared before;
2. The main agent before use mix;
(3) in accordance with the correct proportion mixing main agent and curing agent, mixing fully;
(4) use roller or trowel mix material evenly coated finish materials to the construction completion within 30 minutes;
5) construction junction to disposal of the transition;
6. After completion of construction, can be stepped back for 24 hours, 72 hours rear can weight ( Will be subject to 250 c, low temperature should be moderately open) 。 Above is the information about the floor paint construction process, hope to help everyone to floor paint construction.
in addition, small make up also need to remind you, smoothly floor paint construction premise condition is to buy good quality products, so we cannot be sloppy in this respect.
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