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How big is the gap between tiles? -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

How big is the gap between tiles? The gaps of the tiles can be beautifully seamed with thickness, but the effect is not very beautiful! So, how big is the tile gap?

Generally speaking, -mm is better for the wall, and for some small bricks (xmm), in order to be beautiful, the seam needs to be large, so that the beautiful seam construction will be more eye-catching. For the ground gap, in addition to the retro bricks, a larger gap (mm-mm) is required, and the other types of bricks generally use -mm. Of course, special effects can also widen the gap, such as mm. Like some antique bricks, exterior wall bricks, balcony strip bricks, it is better to leave wide seams. For the above gap width, it is more appropriate to use a beautifying agent for beautifying the seam. Of course, some people have very small gaps between tiles in their homes. For tile gaps below mm, it is still recommended not to make beautiful seams. Due to thermal expansion and contraction, the ceramic tiles may arch and affect the appearance. Of course, for tile gaps greater than mm, beautiful seams can be performed.

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