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How long is the service life of the tile beauty joint agent after construction?

by:Kastar     2021-04-06
How long is the service life of the tile beauty joint agent after construction?

In modern home decoration, more and more attention is paid to detail and beauty, such as small tile gaps. In the past, the tile gaps were not paid attention to during home decoration. Over time, the tile gaps will become darker and darker, which will seriously affect the overall Beautiful home decoration. It was not until the emergence of the beauty joint agent that this problem was completely solved. Many users have this question in their minds, how long is the service life of the ceramic tile beauty joint agent after construction?

When every family chooses decoration materials, they want to have a longer service life after decoration. Therefore, when choosing the decoration material beauty seam agent, many families also pay attention to the quality of the beauty seam agent, because only when the selected quality is good, can it be used for a longer life after decoration.

Tile beautifying agent is a kind of chemical material. Although its material is waterproof and mildew-proof, the connection between molecules is not permanent. After a long time of manpower stepping on the floor, it will make tile beautifying agent. The structure in the ceramic is separated, and the air will have a subtle chemical reaction with the tile beauty joint agent. Therefore, under normal circumstances, non-manpower damage, the appearance of the tile beauty joint agent will not change for 5 to 8 years, and the surface will be deeper (oxidized) in 8 to 10 years, and peeling and water immersion will occur in 10 to 12 years. ; For a single component, dents and fractures will appear in 3 to 5 years, and the tile beauty joint agent needs to be replaced in 5 to 8 years. No matter how high-end tile beauty joint agent is, it has its service life, but considering the quality and construction can help you control this life better and longer.

So for home decoration, if you want to achieve a longer period of time after construction, you must pay attention to many links in order to achieve a longer service life. Therefore, for many home renovations, I want to guarantee a longer service life after renovation.

When choosing beauty products, we must grasp the quality. As long as we grasp the quality of beauty products, it means that the decoration time can be used for a long time, laying a foundation. With such a foundation, in Choose an experienced master for construction, and then do all aspects of maintenance after construction. After the decoration of the beauty joint agent, it can guarantee a longer service life.

[Wuhan Building Materials Co., Ltd.] Committed to the production and research of beauty joints, the wholesale of beauty joints, and the sale of beauty joints. Quality assurance, factory direct sales! Consultation phone: 400-658-9501 Log in to our website for more product information.
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