Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 27 years experience.

How long the seam an agent after construction on the ball

by:Kastar     2021-01-07
The seam an agent after the construction of one of the biggest concerns of the problem is the seam an agent construction after how long can do, after be being entered won't destroy the seam an agent construction effect. For the seam an agent construction the seam an agent would do it after 2 hours, 24 hours later can on ceramic tile, would have no impact in the sewing effect generally in the case of ventilation is good, can live normally after 24 hours. Analytic: beautiful seam an agent is a kind of liquid product, easy solidified, so more easy and convenient construction, in general, as long as the ventilation is good, 24 hours after the seam an agent can achieve higher hardness and gloss, can be used normally, but avoid for parts for scratches with the seam an agent, knock, such as vandalism, otherwise it will be broken beautiful seam an agent and beautiful flowers. Of course, if this is the house that new clothes builds, in no hurry to living conditions, recommendation 72 hours after moving as well. Above is the Chinese beautiful seam an agent factory beautiful seam small make up for the seam an agent construction how long after the competent answer, hope to be of help.
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