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How many meters can be beaten by a piece of beauty joint? Or how many squares can be beaten? -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

The editor is often asked by netizens that I want to make beautiful stitches for home decoration, but the amount will not be counted. I want to know how many meters can be beaten by a beautiful stitching agent? Or how many squares can be beaten? Today, the editor will teach you the calculations in this article. How many meters can be beaten by a piece of beauty joint? The most common beautifying agent on the market is a two-tube two-component beautifying agent in milliliters. It is used after mixing through a spiral mixing nozzle. According to the requirements of the beautiful sewing construction standard, the seam width is mm (mm) and the seam depth Calculated in mm (millimeters), a piece of beauty joint agent can beat about rice. Of course, this length is only the theoretical length, and the specific amount depends on the actual width and depth of the brick joint during the construction of the beautiful seam, as well as the proficiency of the seamstress and the level of waste. For some skilled sewing masters, one sewing agent can hit about one meter. How many squares can be hit by a piece of beauty joint agent? Calculating by square is also one of the methods of construction quotation by the beauty jointer. How many squares can be made by a beautiful joint agent, in addition to the width and depth of the tile joint, also needs to be calculated according to the size of the tile, compared to the calculation by the meter. Much more complicated. Here is a calculation formula: Pu003d(C+K)*[S/(C*K)]/M, Note: P represents the total number of beautifiers used; C represents the length of a tile; K represents the width of a tile ; S represents the total construction area; M represents the number of meters that can be constructed with a double-tube and double-group beauty joint agent. According to this formula, you can calculate how many beauty stitches can be used in a large area, and you can calculate how many squares can be made by a beauty stitch by pushing it backward. Here is a reference table for the amount for you, so that you can calculate the amount more intuitively. However, these data are for reference only, because errors in the construction process cannot be avoided. , Be careful when constructing beautiful seams, you can save a lot of materials and time. The above is how many meters or square meters can be hit by a beautiful seam agent. The editor also hopes that everyone can make their home beautiful.
How many meters and how many square meters
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