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How much is one square meter of beauty joint agent construction? -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

For home decoration, we need to make ceramic tile beautifying agent. I would like to know the construction price of beautifying agent. There are gaps between the original tiles, which are not easy to clean. They are always dark and affect the appearance. I heard from a friend that ceramic tiles can be used as beauty joints to solve this problem. How much is one square meter of beauty joint agent construction? First of all, the construction price of Meijiao is related to many factors. The city itself is very general. If it is a first-tier city, the price will be relatively higher. If it is a second-tier city, the price will be slightly lower. How much does it cost to construct one square meter? It depends on what kind of city you are to know its price. Nowadays, when calculating the price per square meter of beauty joints, these factors exist, such as the quality of the selected beauty joints, the price is good, and the quality is relatively high, so many families will Choose good quality, high price, and also choose experienced masters for construction, so relatively speaking, the price will increase. After solidification, the beauty joint agent will form a smooth, porcelain-like clean surface on the tile joints. It is wear-resistant, waterproof, oil-proof, non-staining, has excellent self-cleaning properties, is not easy to trap dirt, and is easy to clean. , One wipe clean, its hardness, bonding strength, service life and other aspects are better than the caulking agent (grouting agent), which can completely solve the common problem of dirty and black tile joints and difficult to clean. It can be used whether it is a newly decorated tile joint or a tile joint that has been used for many years. Avoid the breeding of molds in the crevices and endanger human health. The construction is simple, free training on construction technology. support hotline:--
How much is the construction of the beauty joint agent
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