The main component of most cement is Portland cement.It usually takes a few days or weeks to make the surface completely hardened.However, once it is cured, it is difficult to clean up the old mud from the tile floor and walls.Your first instinct may be to cut it down with metal tools like putty knives, but this can damage the tiles.Instead, the process of grouting with non-immersion, gently scraping and scouringMetal tools are recommended.Pour some water on the surface of the tile.This will act as a lubricant and prevent scratches on the surface of the tile while working.Scrape a large mass or grout layer of about 1/4 to 3/8 thick with a small piece of hard wood (such as oak), with a squarecut end.Do not use metal scraping tools such as putty knives;These will permanently damage the glaze of the tile.Work in the mud with light to medium pressure until you clear all heavy mud deposits and rinse the tiles with clear water.Moisten the residual grout with clear water and wash the surface of the tile with a damp nylon wash pad.When you wash, keep the mat moist with plenty of water.Rinse the tiles with clean water and dry them with a clean towel.If the mud has not been completely removed, continue to wash.At the end of the wood with rough wood-Grind sandpaper until it\'s like a wood chisel.Apply the water to the surface of the tile, push and pull the bar between the tiles to smooth the grouting line.Add a cup of white sugar to a gallon of hot water.Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.Pour the solution onto the mud or apply it to a vertical surface with a sponge.Let the sugar water soak in the mud for about two hours.This gives the solution time to relax the combination of grouting and tiles.Scrape off a large piece of mud with a wooden stick.Apply the sugar water to the remaining mud and scrub it with a nylon washer.When you work, keep the grout moist with sugar and water solution.Rinse the tiles with clear water to remove the sugar solution.Dry the tiles with a clean towel to make sure all the grout is cleared.If some mud remains, scrub it repeatedly with sugar water.Waterclothbucketwood stickNylon scrubberSandpaperTowelPaint stickGranulated sugarIf grout will not fall off, it may be an epoxy grout that is almost impossible to eliminate the no-drip makeup remover product.Unless you are sure that it is safe to use on the tile, do not remove the mud with vinegar.Some tiles are sensitive to acid.
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