Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 20 years experience.

How to deal with bubbles in the joints of the tiles after extrusion?

by:Kastar     2021-04-06
For the generation of bubbles after the squeezing of the tile gap, the beauty grout manufacturer has something to say, for the generation of bubbles
The first point: there is moisture
The bottom of the tile is damp. When the material covers the gap of the tile, the water vapor at the bottom of the gap will evaporate, which will push up the air bubbles in the thin area.
The second point: the beater is too thin
The bottom of the gap is empty and the punching material is too thin, especially in summer, the reaction of the two components of Zhuo Gaozhen porcelain will generate a certain amount of heat. The air in the tile gap will be heated and expanded to form the thin punching material. bubble

The above two situations will cause bubbles in the gap, which will directly affect the appearance of the tile wall or the floor. What should we do with the bubbles in this way?

Use a wallpaper knife to cut the bubbles

Make sure there are no bubbles


Flatten with a steel ball

I will introduce you so much about the generation and solution of air bubbles. You can find Meisew at any time for the problem of beautiful sewing
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