The method used to grout any type of tile does not change much.The main variable is the type of grouting and, to a lesser extent, the type of tile finish.Both types of grouting are polished and unpolished.The type you use depends on the width of the grouting joint.Generally, sandpaper grouting is used on mosaic tiles, but the installation of some marble mosaics makes the grouting joints almost non-existent.Generally, sand type grouting is used when the seam width exceeds 1/1/6.The tile finish determines how easy it is to wash off the mud and buffer the mud haze.Mix mud according to packing direction.Let it sit for a few minutes before stirring again.This will make the grouting \"slake\" and the re-mixing will be easier to spread.Spread the grout with a rubber grout and fill the seam as you go.Pull the edge of the float back across the tile diagonally to the seam to squeeze the excess grout.Work in a small area so the mud won\'t be too dry until you wash it off.Use a damp sponge to clean excess mud from the surface of the tile.When you start cleaning for the first time, apply a little bit of extra grouting with a sponge, smooth and fill the grouting joint.Rinse the sponge and finish cleaning the surface of the tile, pull the sponge diagonally to the seam again, so as not to clean any grout from the seam.Let the mud dry and form smog.Clean the smoke on the tile with clean water.Let it dry again.Use a clean towel to buffer any remaining Grout smoke from the mosaic tile.
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