Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 27 years experience.

ideas on how to grout your natural stone tile

by:Kastar     2020-05-29
Natural stone is the most popular tile material in home and commercial buildings, and can be marble, granite, slate or limestone.
They can impress the tourists and fill the big entrance to your house.
When it comes to natural stone tiles, homeowners are now experiencing the satisfaction of repairing their own tiles and grout.
This is because the labor cost of this simple job is high.
Homeowners are eager to learn this simple job so that they can also save time, energy and money.
Because the more you know about apps and deals, the more you realize the finished products that you can be proud of with good performance.
How do you grout your natural stone tiles?
This problem sometimes reminds us whenever the tiles are separated.
When the tiles are placed, it leaves a gap or seam between them.
Grouting is a way to fill these spaces and seams and can make the placement of the tiles firm and hard.
Whenever you have a plan to place grouting on your natural stone tile, you should allow 1-
Apply the adhesive for 2 days before starting grouting.
Please be sure to thoroughly clean the grouting seam and fix the area not included in the grouting with tape to avoid grouting overflowing the tiles.
Mix mud according to manufacturer\'s specifications.
It should have good consistency in order to have fines and bumps
Free finished product.
After you fill all the natural stone tile seams with mud, clean the tile surface with a damp cloth after 10 minutes, but make sure not to erase the grout from any tile seams.
To keep the tiles clean and beautiful, you should do a sponge cycle three times.
The purpose of the first sponge is to clean the excess mud on the tile, the second is to smooth the seams, and the third is to clean any residue left on the tile.
However, you have to leave a few minutes between the sponge cycles as this allows the grouting to be set up correctly.
Also need to be reminded to use the sponge clean side when wiping and cleaning the tiles after grouting.
Finally, wipe the tiles the next day to help seal the grout and clean the tiles.
Always make sure you seal the label with the correct natural stone tile to keep the appearance of the natural stone tile.
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