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Play tricks

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
Material tip 01 we only responsible for ceramic tile seam, ceramic tile and resin waist line, frame and other junction construction. 02 materials need to pay attention in the process of tube, tube to immediately stop using; USES electric glue gun play materials, hear the sound of the glue guns grumbling that feed tube pressure is too big, loosen the button to stop playing immediately. 03 play materials needed in the process of movement adjustment barrel according to the discharging speed, ensure that the material covered brick, does not cover good immediately fill play; And can't reveal too much brick joints, so as not to waste. 04 material process heard the noise of the bubble burst, uneven mixing, should retype it. Feed tube to be empty, should pay attention to the appropriate time to stop, and finally to likely just paint, no curing agent, can lead to discharge could not cure. 05 a material process, pay attention to clean, wear shoe covers, watch your step to prevent stepping on or around the body in contact with the true porcelain. May not be true porcelain dripping in ceramic tile surface, so as not to step on. Archaize brick, in particular, adhere to the true porcelain can be hard to clean up, must immediately wipe with alcohol. Above is today bring you share, the tips, you get here? This article copyright WWW. zhuogao。 All. net, reproduced please contact public & other; China and the United States throughout the seam construction & seam an agent factory; Small make up, offenders
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