Tile grouting is like a mortar that binds the tiles together, but it can also keep moisture and help ensure that the tiles are kept at a certain distance.There are a wide variety of songchickens in business, but all of them can be classified as one of two basic types: sanding or unsanding.The correct selection of tiles depends on the type of tiles you install and the seam size between them.The main difference between unpolished and polished grouting is whether there is sand.Unpolished cement-Base paste is a smooth mixture of Portland cement, powder pigments and water.Epoxy resin is made of resin and hardening agent.Sanded cement-The mixture is basically the same as mentioned earlier, but sand is added.To prevent shrinkage at the seams, the sand makes the grouting thicker.Both cement-Base paste and epoxy paste are available in both sand type and unsand type and can be used with floor and wall tiles.Cement-Traditionally, grou is used in residential applications.For cases where tiles are exposed to harsh materials such as acid and grease, epoxy grouting is more ideal.Unpolished grouting applied to less than 1/8-inch-wide.It has a smooth texture and is well glued to the vertical surface, which makes it useful for grouting ceramic wall tiles.For floor and wall brick seams with a width of more than 1/8, sandpaper grouting should be used as it prevents shrinkage and cracking.It is possible to use sandpaper grouting in thinner seams, but it is difficult to force bulky mixtures into these seams, and there may be fine holes in the completed grouting line.A large amount of sand-like grouting mixture is required for seams greater than 3/8, which are usually marked as wide-Most hardware and flooring stores have a combined mixture.The size of the tile seam usually determines which type of grouting material to use, but sometimes the type of tile is the determining factor.For example, for highly polished, scratch-prone tiles, such as marble, it is recommended to use unpolished Grout because the aggregate in the sanding Grout may damage these types of tiles.However, the floor tiles should not use unpolished mud because the mud will crack and break under the traffic pressure of the floor.
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