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The beauty of 3 yuan a metre seam an agent, after watching these you will do?

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
3 yuan a meter of the seam appeared on the market, as for material. Really have this? Stunning? It also has a real, like 5 yuan a haircut in the park, the two biggest a common are: finish good, do not seek quality and beautiful. Meter of the beauty of the seam 3 yuan, the first seam an agent, the quality of the joint construction of the teacher are generally novice, no experience, no case, so, they also need to find the construction site to try, its effect is absolutely dumbfounded, the following figure shows. Bring eyes beauty construction joints rendering, of course, there is another person, that is the imitation porcelain work site, bricklayer, electrician, cleaners, etc. , because they have work to do, and in the process of work, has just met a beauty construction joints, thought to do the seam is very simple, so, when it is to earn a few hundred yuan extra money. So, there are many owner looked at the way is convenient, and cheap, if you let them home beauty in sewing to do. Until completion of the construction, we have just found, because it is not professional, make the results are not satisfactory, so can only be off again. Bring about amateur construction beautiful seam rendering bring rework to do beautiful seam ', a penny a points goods ', China and the United States seam an agent factory remind owners and consumers, don't because of a convenient and cheap, choose 3 to 5 yuan of the beauty of the seam, because the result is bad, should ask professional master to rework, and both the delay time, and cost money, so, please comply with the market price, also give yourself a beautiful green home.
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