Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 27 years experience.

The seam an agent after construction how to identify the product quality?

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
Suzhou recently said a owner contact small make up in the process of domestic outfit encountered situation, the ceramic tile is home made the seam, but don't know the use of product is good or bad, how to identify with the beauty of the seam an agent quality stand or fall? Search on the net, all kinds of brand, quality how to also cannot know. Different versions about identification methods, but also, the owner see is dazzling, don't know how to identify. Below small make up for each owner to sort out some identify ways, fast comparison with the beauty of your home sewing products quality! 1, look at the seam an agent construction after the covering power of note check the covering power of the seam an agent after solidification, dry solid shrinkage is too obvious, to plump smooth surface, if the product is not enough consistency, hollow out powder phenomenon occurs. 2, to look at the beautiful beauty seam an agent after construction of hardness hardness can basically and ceramic tile seam an agent after curing, has excellent self-cleaning sex, scrub resistance, high hardness, wear resistance, can perfect fusion and ceramic tile. 3, see the beautiful color and luster of the seam an agent gloss is too high, will seem very unnatural. But low glossiness, and do not facilitate cleaning and highlight the effect of the seam an agent, so surely seam an agent that good color is natural exquisite, glossiness natural attractive, can fit well with floor, increase the aesthetic feeling and the grade of the bedroom. Above seam division in the United States for you can easily compare out after construction, small make up recommend, for the construction effect of home and family health, or choose some beautiful seam an agent major brands to use well, such as we Chinese beautiful seam an agent factory beautiful seam of true porcelain, porcelain, porcelain, and other series products, are all environmental health coefficient of a high quality product oh, each product is worth to recommend to you!
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