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The tiles and beautiful seams are too deep, so I pit Xiaobai! -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

Foreword: Ceramic tiles and beautiful seams have always been the golden partners. In home decoration, consumers will often stumble in this aspect, either by using high-priced and low-quality ceramic tiles, or using low-priced and poor-quality beautifiers. Among them, the wrong choice of ceramic tiles is the most uncoordinated style of home improvement. If the beauty stitching agent chooses the wrong way, it will not only destroy the style of home improvement, but also threaten the health of consumers. How to determine the impact of real porcelain glue and epoxy colored sand on human health is actually very simple. In the choice of brand, the following points need to be paid attention to: Price: Do not choose ultra-low-priced beauty stitching products for the sake of cheapness. Excluding the cost of packaging and production for high-priced products, the cost of its raw materials will be compressed, and the prices of raw materials that are generally healthy and environmentally friendly are often not very low, so the environmental protection of ultra-low-priced products is impossible to talk about. 、Environmental protection: In order to obtain the attractive sales of ultra-low-price beauty sewing products, some harmful substances will be added to make the products more glamorous. Among them, nonylphenol is the most added, and nonylphenol is the source of all evil in decoration auxiliary materials. , For articles about nonylphenol, you can read related articles in this public account: Sadness under the beautiful veil of inferior beautiful seams! , Anti-counterfeiting mark: Generally, the production process of ultra-low-priced or inferior beauty sutures is 'not visibleThe big-brand Meisewn products can not only trace the products, but also have multiple anti-counterfeiting signs to prove the environmental protection and safety of the products, and at the same time protect the brand. , Look at the service: Ultra-low-end or inferior beauty sutures are only for one-time consumption, and the buyer will leave the hand, and the consumer will bear the accident. There is no related post-service and guarantee. High-end beauty seams not only provide post-service, but also give consumers quality assurance. , Look at the packaging: Good products often pursue perfection, whether it is the use of materials or the packaging of the product, it will be refined. , Look at the brand: Brand is the face of an enterprise, and companies with sufficient brand strength often have their products in the industry with high technical content and quality assurance, and have a good reputation and brand evaluation.
Tile Beauty Seam
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