Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 27 years experience.

This little skill, the seam teacher must know!

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
As the saying goes, & other; Three products, seven points on process & throughout; , thus, technology in every industry are the focus of attention. The seam construction although looks be like simple, actually is a very delicate work requires patience, and especially pay attention to process, is not to say that the more you do in this industry, will be able to practice makes perfect, be adept technology. The seam construction the technical, also pay attention to some small craft skills, and these cannot happen overnight. Today to share is the key point in the construction joints of the processing of ceramic tile cross tip, this place if the construction master of technology is not good, it is easy to bump of ceramic tile aperture, no sense! But as long as the construction skills, can solve the complicated place, let the difficult parts of beautiful beautiful! Ceramic tile the seam crossing construction techniques: ( 1) Ceramic tile seam beauty to follow after the first vertical cross construction principle, pay attention to order, it is better in the intersection, construction is not recommended. ( 2) Meet with ceramic tile intersection, after injection of the seam an agent can skip intersection, prevents build up of two layers of the seam an agent in the intersection! ( 3) Can sew in the vertical direction of the United States after the construction, the beauty of the intersection seam, in the horizontal direction when construction, intersection fill again, that would not overlap construction! ( 4) Can also be in the vertical direction after the construction joints, fingers to touch a little alcohol beauty seam an agent, click on the intersection and then across the construction. Interface or Angle of Yin and Yang is a special construction master patience, as long as adjust good mentality, no hurry not rashness, before the construction joints to keep all their construction tool construction conveniently to do details well!
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