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Tile beauty joint price calculation of beauty joint construction dosage-beauty joint factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

Everyone knows that tile beauty joint agent is an important product for us in the decoration and laying of floor tiles. It is an indispensable product to create perfect tile laying, and it is also a very important product in the current building materials market. So what is the price of tile beauty joint agent? Let's take a look with the editor below. The influencing factors of the price of beautiful joints: tile specifications, tile joint width, and different prices of tile surface quality. The width of glazed tile joints is .mm, and the price ranges from yuan/square to yuan/square according to different tile specifications. The width of the seam of antique tiles is less than millimeters, and the price varies from RMB/square to RMB/square according to the specifications of the tiles. The ceramic tile specifications are *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, mosaic. Different types of beauty joints, different prices, full filling construction: the tile gap is empty, there is nothing in it, directly fill the beauty joint agent; generally use the beauty joint agent, or even more times; the cost will also double. Half-fill construction: fill the gaps of the tiles and fill up the joints; use the joint cleaning tool to clear the edges of the tiles (for bonding the beautiful joints); the depth is about .mm; inject the joints once. Calculation of the amount of beauty joint construction Pu003d(C+K)*[S/(C*K)]/P represents the total number of bottles of beauty joint agent used; C represents the length of a tile; K represents the width of a tile; S represents The area where tiles need to be laid; the constant represents the number of meters that a bottle of double-tube beautifying agent can be applied. Example: * bricks, the total area squared, Pu003d(.+.)*[/(.*.)]/u003d(bottle) Derivation: C*K means the area of u200bu200ba tile S/(C*K) calculation The result indicates the total number of tiles that need to be sewn (C+K)*[S/(C*K)] The calculation result shows the total number of meters that need to be sewn (C+K)*[S/( C*K)]/The calculation result indicates the total number of bottles used in the beautifying agent. Note: The formula needs to be converted to (m) in the calculation. This calculation formula is only suitable for the (conservative) bottle number estimation of the amount of double-tube beautifying agent. The amount of single-tube beautifying agent should be replaced by a constant or we can also use the calculator below to calculate the number of bottles needed. >>Calculator for the amount of beauty seam agent
The construction of the beauty joint agent The beauty joint agent for tiles The price of the beauty joint agent The dosage of the beauty joint agent
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