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Water porcelain beauty seam an agent and what is the difference between true porcelain beauty seam an agent

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
Water porcelain beauty seam an agent and true porcelain beauty seam an agent on the performance of what the difference? This is many consumers and engaged in the sewing industry friends pay attention to the most! ( A) True porcelain plastic beauty belong to oily seam an agent, such as oxidation of long-term illuminate sun chemical combination of colors will cause certain damage. Porcelain and water on the raw materials of upgrade and adopt new technology has successfully solved this difficult problem, indoor and outdoor can be used. ( 2) True porcelain stick to a hand in the construction process of cleaning up more troublesome, after a long time may be to the detriment of the skin has certain, porcelain beauty seam an agent and water can wash with water directly, its raw materials of green environmental protection health, avoid the potential threats to the skin. ( 3) Seam teacher knows true porcelain construction need to wait until after a certain time and then to clean up more than expected, while water porcelain can direct scrub off excess waste construction time. Got great improve time cost. ( 4) True porcelain beauty adhesive seam an agent after construction need to seam, porcelain don't have to do seam pressure processing, water use, leveling directly for some ceramic tile edge damaged or defective, but also directly have the effect of repair is to share the content of the above, hope to be of help.
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