Professional manufacturer of tile grout and adhesives with 27 years experience.

What do the seam an agent construction requirements

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
The seam construction step is not difficult, you need to use the tool at a hardware store to buy. Professional decoration must please a lot of people think teachers do to rest assured, there are a lot of people will be your own, want to save some labor. Then make your own beauty seam hard, what are the requirements? Before making the joint for the first time, need to prepare some tools, glue guns, brush, shovel knife, crack-cleaning cone, seam pressure ball, crepe paper, pen knife this 7 professional beauty tools. Preparations for construction of concrete steps: (1) 1. Before the seam construction, need to prepare, first to fully clean the ground, ensure clean on the surface of the ceramic tile, no dust and water damage. 2. Further clean ceramic tile aperture, with professional crack-cleaning cone, sort out dust and water damage from the crack, ensure dry clean. If the gap contains large amount of cement, to clean up seriously, guarantee the gap has a certain width and depth. 3. Before the construction need to wear old clothes, put on the gloves, in order to avoid the construction, will be the seam an agent accidentally get on. Second, the construction method 1. Put a rubber hose on the seam an agent, cement according to the gap width of the cut at an Angle, front hit 40 cm colloid don't use, because of uneven mixing, affect curing the seam an agent. 2. Smooth ceramic tile can be glue directly on the surface of the gate to the aperture, the seam an agent into the gap easily. Rough surface of ceramic tile, need to put a crepe paper on both sides of the crack to normal construction. 3. Glue need to keep a steady pace, try to use on the way to glue, a pressure to put, don't hold the handle, otherwise difficult to glue. 4. After glue in 15 minutes and then to seam pressure, make sure the seam an agent have enough time to precipitate into the gap. Use the same specifications of the seam pressure tool of seam, the seam pressure strength, a good, don't repeat dandy back and forth. Cracks intersect place to point as the starting point, to the external pressure seam. Three, shovel glue adhesive seam pressure after work, such as the seam an agent after curing, continue to deal with redundant beauty on the surface of the ceramic tile seam an agent. The higher the temperature, the seam an agent curing the faster, generally need to 24 hours. If on ceramic tile, crepe paper needs 15 minutes after pressure seam ripped the crepe paper, so as to avoid the strong become difficult to tear seam an agent after curing. Doing in the beauty of the whole, can't let met MingShui ceramic tile, because the seam an agent before curing water damage will be white, not stem. Also can't trample ceramic tile, can affect the beauty between seam an agent and ceramic tile adhesive.
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