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What season of the ceramic tile seam construction

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
The influence of the season to decorating, mainly reflects on the temperature and humidity. Seasonal climate affect adornment is varied, caused serious waste, rework, can even lead to the failure to decorate. Summer and autumn is decorate busy season, many owners choose to decorate new home at this time, because the climate is dry, it is suitable for decoration of seasons in a year. But really taking seasonal decoration? A lot of people think winter too cold spring tide, mostly don't choose the two season, actually this kind of worry is not redundant. Although the weather to decorate a certain degree of influence, but the key is to choose the right materials, and pay attention to the construction details. For ceramic tile seam beauty construction, its construction have higher request for the temperature, the temperature is associated with seasonal fluctuations. Therefore, different season of the ceramic tile seam construction is influential. Especially in late autumn, winter and early spring season, the temperature is relatively low, even lower than 0 ℃, the temperature, for there is no good heating conditions of the site, is not the normal construction. If in indoor environment temperature 5 ℃ above, can the construction, is only a much slower than at high temperature drying time. So a lot of every construction personnel in the winter construction will first put ceramic tile seam an agent beauty products in the hot water to heat up, before construction, reciprocating. So that it can be beautiful in winter when ceramic tile seam construction. Although, ceramic tile seam an agent at high temperatures, dry faster, but the summer temperature is too high, so there are some matters need to pay attention to during construction. Beauty of ceramic tile seam construction in the summer, first with a damp sponge to wipe on both sides of ceramic tile aperture, is beneficial to reduce ground temperature and thus prolong the drying time, so as not to slip. In addition, for beginners, the beauty of ceramic tile seam construction, a beauty don't play too long ceramic tile seam an agent, every time 20 - After 30 cm for processing, in order to avoid dry handle hard.
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