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What should I do if my face is swollen and the skin is allergic to the application of beauty joints? -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

Many people use beautifying agents to beautify the gaps between tiles in order to make their homes more beautiful. Some owners like to do it by themselves. They did not wear gloves, masks and other protective gear when operating by themselves, so that the beauty suture was on the skin, and soon began to swell and itchy, causing allergies, and even the face began to swell . What caused it? There are two main reasons for allergies caused by beauty stitches, one is product quality problems, and the other is personal physical problems. 1. The quality of the product has caused allergic consumers to not understand the beauty suture industry enough and bought inferior products. In order to reduce the cost, the inferior seam agent uses unenvironmentally friendly raw materials, such as toluene, nonylphenol and other toxic substances. Volatilization or contact can cause allergies, itching and even edema. If skin itching or chest tightness occurs during the beauty stitching construction process, the construction operation should be stopped immediately, the windows should be opened for ventilation, and the skin contaminated by the beauty stitching agent should be cleaned. If the situation is serious, you must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. 2. Personal physique causes allergies. Some people are susceptible to allergies. Even qualified suture products can cause allergic reactions. If you are worried about allergies when you make beautiful seams, you can wear long-sleeved clothing, masks, goggles, and gloves, and perform the construction operations in multiple times, or ask a professional seamstress to carry out the construction. Beauty sewing agents are organic chemicals, so don't be greedy for cheap when buying. As the saying goes, 'There are specializations in the surgical industryBeautiful seam construction is a work that requires patience and care. The professional seam seam team has rich construction experience and can avoid problems such as unsightly caused by their own construction. Because everyone's physique is different, protective measures must be taken before construction. If face swelling, allergies, breathing difficulties, etc. occur during the beauty stitching construction, you should go to the hospital for medical treatment in time.
Beauty joint agent construction skin allergies
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