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What small details should be paid attention to when making beautiful seams in summer-beauty joints factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

From July to July, the summer has entered, and it is also the peak of the decoration finishing project. The construction work of the beauty joint agent has also begun to increase. In the previous article, I shared with you the precautions and details of the winter beauty joint construction. The problem is not to be ignored in summer. The beauty joint construction is affected by the seasonal temperature and should not be underestimated. Today, the editor will lead everyone to learn about the small details that should be paid attention to when doing beauty joint construction in summer. It is advisable to avoid exposure to the sun during construction at room temperature of -℃. If exposed to the sun for a long time, it will cause the wall of the beauty joint to rupture, commonly known as the tube burst, so you must pay attention to it during storage and do not leave the material in the car for a long time. Do not put it on the balcony or in direct sunlight. Pay attention to the indoor dryness and the sewing master should pay attention to the construction when the continuous rainy season comes, and pay attention to the indoor dryness. Reduce the moisture content of the air, do beautiful seam construction, and use a hot fan in the house in winter (air conditioning, geothermal, etc.) to properly solve the humidity problem of the air. Pay attention to sealing the windows and the beautiful seams during construction. At the same time, you must not worry about drying indoors. Please use a dry cotton ball to clean the gaps again. Otherwise, there will be intermittent whitening after curing, and high air humidity will cause the surface of the bright film to be blurred after curing, and the color brightness will not come out. It will be bright after rubbing with water, and it will return to the original after the water dries. Everyone must check on the same day after the perfect seam construction, and deal with it on the same day to reduce trouble. Maintain good indoor ventilation. Normally, when the beautiful joint construction is done when the home has been renovated, the works such as painting, wallpapering, etc. are all before the beautiful joint construction, so pay attention to maintaining indoor ventilation before the beautiful joint. This is conducive to the health of our beauty seam construction workers, and it is also conducive to the rapid curing of the beauty seam agent. Pay attention to the dampness of the grout on the bottom of the pavement. If you find that the grout on the tiles has returned to moisture when making beautiful joints, you must clean up the grout. You can use a hair dryer to dry the gaps, otherwise the curing of the beautiful joints will not occur. Full or discoloration, etc. Pay attention to safety. Due to the hot summer weather, it is inevitable that the mood will be a little bit hot. At the same time, the master sewing master always drives to work for customers. When driving, we must pay attention to safety and drive safely. Pay attention to cooling down when making beautiful seams to avoid heat stroke during the construction process. The above are the small details that I should pay attention to when making beautiful seams in summer, and I also remind everyone that making beautiful seams is not easy, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and pay attention to your health.
Beautiful seam construction summer small details
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