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When is the most appropriate time to make beautiful stitches? -Beautiful seam agent factory

by:Kastar     2021-04-06

One week after the tiles are laid, the grout and adhesive of the tiles will have a certain amount of moisture. Before it dries out, the seams will be beautiful. If the water of the adhesive cannot be dispersed, hollowing of the tiles will appear. Circumstances, it is easy to make the beautiful sewing products get damp, causing whitening and falling off. Therefore, be sure to sew beautifully after one week of tiling. Before generating a large amount of dust, the requirements for the construction of the beauty joint agent: it must be dry and free of dust. Many processes in home furnishings will generate a lot of dust, such as tiling, carpentry, and paintwork will cause putty and dust to fall. Therefore, it is best to choose the construction time of the beauty joint agent before these dust-prone processes. After the beautiful seam is completed, the gap of the tiles becomes easier to clean, even if the dust falls on it, it is very easy to clean. Kitchen and bathroom-before installing the ceiling and cabinets: The walls and floors of the kitchen and bathroom will be tiled. After these two places are tiled, the ceiling will be placed, and the ceiling will press part of the wall tiles. If the ceiling is suspended first, the glue gun cannot inject the beauty seam into the junction, resulting in incomplete beauty seam at the junction, which will affect the appearance. But if you make beautiful seams first, there will be no leakage of beautiful seams at the junction of wall tiles and suspended ceilings. Cabinets must be installed afterwards, and it is even harder to construct after cabinets are installed. Living room and bedroom-After painting or wallpapering: In rooms such as the living room, balcony or bedroom that only use floor tiles, the walls are either painted with latex paint or wallpapered. This process will generate a lot of garbage. In order to reduce the workload of cleaning, you can sew beautifully after these tasks are completed. After the beautiful stitching is completed, the home is basically very clean, and you can move in directly after you move in the furniture.
Tile Beauty Seam
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