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Why Chinese beautiful seam an agent factory beautiful seam t construction level is so good?

by:Kastar     2021-01-12
Heard a lot of owner are going to buy after the price of the seam construction materials make the seam, but the effect with the seam to than not, the same materials and tools, why make the joint professional beauty sewing effect is better than yourself? 1, seam teacher know more about construction owners do their beauty to the requirement of tool joint, most is Internet look at the tool is complete, if not buy directly. As for what works, what is in the similar & other; Artifacts throughout the &; Completely do not understand, not to mention tools to what extent is unusable. Professional beauty seam in this respect is very detailed, such as wallpaper knife: professional beauty seam ShiZaiQing seam is very high to the requirement of wallpaper knife, the blade is broken or part of the blade is blunt will break off the transfer of new, prevent the qing qing not clean and even hurt ceramic tile seam. And ordinary owners because they have no experience, blade replacement is not timely, crack-cleaning and tired, the effect is bad. 2, construction seam not skilled in the bad effect of the construction joints is a skilled work, construction for the first time the owner in order to guarantee the seam an agent full fill, tend to sew the agent played a lot, not only waste the seam an agent, seam pressure, clear edge erasure is also very difficult, operation, the more the more error-prone: crack-cleaning time master is bad, crack-cleaning skill to master is bad, more prone to problems. And most beautiful seam squat down construction, the body will be very uncomfortable. And professional beauty sewing division of seam an agent, the dosage of crack-cleaning timing control are far more than ordinary owner, the construction will be adjusted according to actual condition, sew the effect well. Seam 3, clear the step of professional beauty from many respects, is better than the owner crack-cleaning need tools, as the saying goes, to do a good job must first sharpen his device. Ordinary crack-cleaning owner must have used a wallpaper knife bit by bit, effort, not only the effect also is not necessarily good. Seam teacher crack-cleaning useful electric sewing machine, crack depth is consistent, can be very small aperture. Crack-cleaning and effort not to say, after using the wallpaper knife handle again would be much easier than directly on the wallpaper. 4, the seam will be according to the different brick can choose ceramic tile of different construction methods are polished tile and glazed pottery, brick surface smooth and pits. Many owners when do not pay attention to these, the polishing brick and textured brick is not posted on crepe paper with construction, lead to the seam an agent in the residue on the surface of the ceramic tile is serious, it is difficult to clean up. Of professional beauty division of brick on for this kind of ceramic tile surface polishing processing or post, crepe paper beauty do not affect after ceramic tile. 5, the seam look simple, but there are still a lot need to accumulate experience to prepare each line has its own doorway, crossover turned all need to pay tuition. The seam video just teach some basic knowledge, construction experience and skills are the seam in the long-term work in practice. So we make personal beauty seam effect are certainly not sew the division, professional or professional people do better.
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