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Why do the same seam, use different service life?

by:Kastar     2021-01-06
The beauty of each owner hope oneself home sewing, can really like industry waterproof and moistureproof, subsidence deformation, & other; Durable & throughout; If brightness is new. But the fact is: some beautiful seam after several years of construction, gap still hard as porcelain, smooth; And some beautiful seam do not a few months to begin to change color, fall off. Why do the same seam, different use lifespan? What is the influence the service life of the seam an agent? Chinese beautiful seam an agent factory beautiful seam mavericks are summarized, are the major factors influencing service life of the seam 3 points: 1, the sewing product quality problems if the raw material is not of the seam products of quality, construction there will be a bubble, not stem, fall off wait for all sorts of phenomenon. Some even look no problem in the construction process, and in the use process will gradually appear moldy, rub off or other product quality problems. First the owner of the seam has no experience in the seam, are more likely to buy these products. Suggest the owner when the choose and buy, should choose to have aptitude, reputation in the industry a good beauty products. And want to be in normal, it is suggested that in the entity shop to buy, to prevent the problems no one. A good ceramic tile seam an agent, can achieve the all aspects of the standard after the construction, the construction effect is good, let us more long lifespan of the seam an agent. 2, the seam construction problems invited both owners of DIY and professional beauty joint construction, beautiful sewing effect may be not ideal. Because the construction joints is a technological patience + actual operation experience of work, if not familiar with the seam construction each link, had better not to start construction, avoid the seam discoloration caused by the technology is not up to standard, fall off, cause secondary rework. The seam change color, fall off because the early crack caused by cleaning up does not reach the designated position. Although after curing the beauty of the seam an agent is hard, smooth as porcelain, but fragile when not cured. So, after the construction joints, to give the seam an agent enough cure time. Such as ceramic tile aperture in the residual impurities such as water vapor or dust particles, is not conducive to the solidification. Seam 3, the late maintenance problem again good things don't understand care are not to use the best effect. Seam beauty, too, proper maintenance can to a certain extent, alleviate the degree of consumption of the seam, let beauty products can use longer. So the owner also want to listen to some beautiful seam teacher's advice, let beauty product service life is longer. Finally, hope every owner can find good beautiful sewing division, find a good place to buy beautiful sewing products, make the seam beautify the guards in our life, let us seam for our lives to add a bright color.
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