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Why use beauty joints for tile decoration? Just for beauty?

by:Kastar     2021-04-06
Why use beauty joints for tile decoration? Just for beauty?

When decorating ceramic tiles, people don’t pay much attention to the jointing of tile joints. In the past, people used white cement to joint joints. In recent years, joints were jointed with caulking agents, but after a few months of decoration, they will find that the joints of the tiles will turn yellow. Dirty and dark, and the more you wipe it, the darker it is, which brings disharmony to the beauty of the room. The yellowing and black brick joints and their unsightly affect the mood of the owner's home.

The living room, kitchen and bathroom of today’s homes usually encounter the problem of tile gaps turning from white to black, which is extremely unhygienic and beautiful. The blackening of brick gaps can breed bacteria, produce peculiar smells, and seriously endanger human health. This bacteria is in summer. Especially obvious. This problem that has plagued the decoration industry for many years has been overcome by the beauty joint agent. It not only solves a series of problems caused by the blackening of the brick joints, but also greatly improves the decoration level.

Mei Gap (filled type) is a high-end home decoration product, suitable for the beautification of the gaps in tiles, mosaics, stone, etc., and the decoration of the inner corners of the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom.

The beauty seam agent has various colors, non-absorbent, anti-greasy, easy to clean, does not change color, wear-resistant, and has high strength. Completely change the phenomenon of seam black mold.

The beauty seam agent has multiple functions such as smooth surface, pure color, long-term rubbing, no fading, water-proof and moisture-proof, no blackening, no hair growth, etc., to create a comfortable environment for you in all directions.

As more and more people choose this new type of tile beautifying agent, the beautifying agent will surely become a vital force to drive the consumption of the home improvement market, so the popularity of tile beautifying agent is an inevitable trend in the development of tile decoration in the future.

The above content is organized and released by the editor, and I hope it can serve as a reference for everyone. For more information on the beauty seam agent, please visit the official website of Wuhan Building Materials Co., Ltd. for more consultation!
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