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Will Hubei tile beauty joint agent cause tile cracking? Beautiful seam

by:Kastar     2021-04-06
Will Hubei tile beauty joint agent cause tile cracking? Beautiful seam

People's requirements for the living environment are gradually increasing, which promotes higher and higher requirements for home decoration. When decorating, we value not only beautiful appearance, but also green, healthy and environmental protection. Traditional tiles and tile joints are difficult to clean, which affects people’s aesthetic requirements. Not only that, tile joints also hide a lot of dirty and black substances, which are difficult to clean all the year round, providing a breeding ground for bacteria, which is not in line with people’s green and healthy views. , Environmental protection requirements. Especially in families with children, the immunity of children is not very strong, and they like to run around on the ground as a whole, and they are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections in the tile joints. Therefore, this kind of problem needs to be solved urgently. Therefore, under the background of this era, the beautiful seam of ceramic tiles came into being.

Although there are a lot of beautiful seams, there are still many people who are worried about a series of problems in the later period. Some people will ask: the floor heating under the tiles in my house will cause the tiles after the application of the tile beauty joints. Cracking? Others asked: Why did the tiles still crack after construction in my home? Is there a problem with the glue? In fact, it is not the case, not all cracking problems need to find the cause of the beauty joint agent!

The problem of tile cracking exists, but it must have nothing to do with the beauty joint agent. The beauty joint agent will only protect the tiles, and will not cause the tiles to crack. In fact, the main reason for the cracking is that the tiles do not use the beauty joint agent, and the gaps left are very small. The tiles will expand and contract with heat, and the surface of the tile is cracked by extrusion. This is because the beauty joint agent is not used. As a result, if it is used, it will not crack due to the thermal expansion and contraction of the tiles, and it is beautiful, clean, waterproof and mold-proof.

Many homes have already installed floor heating. Those who have made beautiful seams are worried that the glue will heat up. I just want to say that the temperature of the floor heating is not enough to cause the glue to melt. So this can be completely assured. In many cases, it is because of newly built houses, the tiles are laid and the beautiful joints are filled, and it is suddenly found that the tiles have cracked after a few days. Of course, such cases are really rare and uncommon. Situations like this are generally caused by the settlement of the house. The tiles are not attached well, and it must have nothing to do with the beauty joint agent.

Since the ceramic tile seam agent came into the market, it has been loved by people. Therefore, many companies have begun to produce products such as beautifying agents, and various brands of beautifying agents have emerged in recent years. Therefore, when people choose beauty sutures, they often get confused and don't know which product to choose. Here, the editor recommends a brand that has always been among the best in word of mouth and sales, namely Mei Suture. Beautiful sewing is the best choice for your home beautiful sewing.

The above content is organized and released by the editor, and I hope it can serve as a reference for everyone. For more information about the beauty seam agent, please visit the official website of Wuhan Building Materials Co., Ltd. for more consultation!
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